Price Rise for Standard SGA Handicaps on March 1, 2023

Price Rise for Standard SGA Handicap product on March 1, 2023

As mentioned in a previous post, Golf Club Affiliation Fees -- the fees that clubs like SGA pay to golf's governing bodies for maintaining golf handicaps -- are rising in 2023. This rise brings the total increase over the past 7 years to a whopping 49%.
These continued price increases -- especially over the last two years -- have tipped us to the point where, unfortunately, we need to raise our prices for standard handicaps.
Beginning March 1, we will be increasing the price of Standard Handicaps by $10 per year; from $98 to $108. While this small increase may be inconvenient, it is a necessity for SGA to continue providing Australia's best-value handicaps, at the lowest possible price.
We did not make this decision lightly. Since we began selling handicaps in 2007, we've fought hard to keep our prices as low as possible – and the lowest in Australia. Our strong growth over the years (now with over 6000 current members) has, until now, allowed us to offset increased costs from the governing bodies.
(Note that the Unlimited Handicap Tier ($118 per year) will NOT change at this time, but may increase at a later date).
Our sincere apologies to our members for any inconvenience this may cause. And we hope you understand.
We realise that a price rise of this amount may not be convenient for some of our members, so we are offering you the ability to renew your $98 Standard Handicap early, and keep the $98 price locked-in for another 12 months past your renewal date.
To renew early:
Login to your SGA account before March 1, click My Subscription and then click Renew Now to pay by credit card or direct debit.
Call a member of the SGA team during business hours to pay over the phone: Paul (0417 831 858), Mick (0402 488 253) or Matt (0425 742 501)
Note that this Early Offer is only available until March 1. After that, the price will automatically rise to $108.
(IMPORTANT: when you renew early, you may receive two emails: 1) your checkout confirmation e-mail, and 2) a renewal notice e-mail showing your new extended renewal date. You can ignore this renewal notice e-mail (you will receive your next renewal notice from us in 2024.))